In the age of customer, we cannot refuse that customers expect not only a fast service 24/7 but they expect that support to be customized to their specific needs. Chatbot can help business in many ways such as help customer service to enhance customer experience, Improve customer engagement, Cost saving, etc.
Let’s read on “Build your Bot without coding” to find out chatbot benefits.
More detail :

The Black Tie Service, one of Beryl8’s customers with successful Salesforce Implementation, helps create extraordinary experience for corporate’s VIP clients.
They use Salesforce to analyse customer’s profile for better service their clients’ needs and create a complete luxury and prestigious experiences.
More detail :…/

Our new highlight in APAC CIO Outlook Magazine!
We’re honoured to be featured in “APAC CIO Outlook 50 Most Promising BIG DATA Solution-Provider 2016”
Read what they say about us:

Beryl8 are honored to be featured in APAC CIO Outlook Magazine July 2016 Issue “25 Most Promising SALESFORCE Solution Providers – 2016”
APAC CIO Outlook is one of the best magazine that provides and shares IT solution, experience and wisdom. Let’s discover what they wrote about us and Salesforce, also an interview with our Co-founders.
For digital copy, please visit:…/salesforce-special-july-20…/
Beryl8’s Press Conference and the Official Launch of our own Brand New Products : BO Conversation Platform (BO) and Integra8, under the theme “Transform Your Business into a Digital Super Hero” was held on 5 October at Intercontinental Bangkok Hotel.
Thank you so much to all press for participating and covering us.
Daily News :